momo網[ 【X-BIONIC】MTB RACELINE AD5 機能短車衣] 商品網址
: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2211886&memid=6000007870&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league
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: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2211886&memid=6000007870&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league 【X-BIONIC】MTB RACELINE AD5 機能短車衣
商品訊息描述: 全國技能檢定
High-tech full zip MTB jersey. The 5mm, strong 3D woven, non-rubX-Bionic AirDuct padsat the shoulders and hips ventilate and cushion exactly where the backpack is positioned. A large 3D-BionicSphere System on the back and chest guarantee effective temperature regulation of the body when active and resting. Provides cooling on ascents and warmth on descents, this high-tech MTB Shirt supports muscles with moderate compression which unburdens the cardiovascular system. The Skin NODOR® material with silver ions prevents unpleasant odors.
Sweating is the natural cooling system of our organism. So X-Bionic puts the focus on keeping a thin sweat film on the skin during the active phase and creating a warming zone around the body during recovery.
The MTB Raceline Shirt features High Elastic seams wich offer 360° freedom of movement. More details are a zipper pocket at the back and the elastic waist with longer cut back for high wearing comfort on the bike.
SkinNODORsilver ions reduce bacterial growth and provide softness and an excellent fit.
Fit/cut:The X-Bionic Raceline jersey offers a sporty and cycling specific fit for enhanced performance.
Material: 94?olyamide, 4?olypropylene, 2?lastane